
Poetry/Music Videos

“New Year's Eve Berlin 2012” (2012) is a visual art piece created to show the contrasting experiences of New Year's Eve in Berlin on the eve of 2012. From penthouse party to street scenes at 5 am, the idea was to play with colour and time, make a jazz visual and a funky flash.

“Stay” (2011) is a visual art piece created with British musician Dani California and music producer Mark Mcrae. The video plays with time and space, layering imagery of travel and romance. The video thread is a road trip traveling from Toronto to Montreal; it is sped up so that 4 hrs of travel are condensed to 4 minutes. The layered videos of the road, nature and the woman dancing were taken in Berlin, layering place and time, and imagery representing memory.

“Moving Still” (2010) is a collaborative effort with Canadian poet Robert Priest. It uses his very clever aphorisms coupled with narrative and visual treatment.

Moving Still represents three kinds of reality: Virtual Reality as represented in the spoken aphorisms; Inner Reality as represented by the vertical narrative stories, small moments in time and memory and Outer Reality - the passage of real time, one day passing from daybreak to nightfall and the rising of the moon. What we experience is the formation of the space in-between. We live in the suspended movement of active interconnections separate from our place in the world in real terms. Yet we reconnect shaping narratives from various fictitious and non fictitious events.

The words are used as a dialogue repeated by many, microscopically reflecting the virtual reality of the millions of “voices” on the Internet. In a village of 100 what we say matters; in a global village of billions, how can we be “heard”?

“Facing Life” (2010) is an alternate version of the collaborative efforts using Robert Priest’s aphorisms. It is a poetic visual reflecting the essence of Berlin, with it’s many international artists and varying dialogue. The tone of the voice is inspired by wonderfully flat yet seductive voice of Astrid Gilberto. Soundscape by Irish performance artist Holly Pereria